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Has aynone ever successfully met a sex partner on the web?
Published on February 20, 2004 By
Just wondering.
Cause i am mailing with a girl who lives 60km from my city, and the communication is fun so far.
She´s way younger than me ( above 18 though
) ..and i find it damn interesting to talk to her.
Of course i am not looking for a relationsship, she would be way to young in the long term,
and there´s so much she needs to find out for herself. All i am basically looking for is some interesting talk
and some interesting, basically anonymous, S-E-X.
...we have talked about meeting up, ..and some erotic remarks from both sides around it.
But i have my moments when i think: this is so weird, ...is this right, are you doing something wrong?
And seh must have doubts and fear as well.... paranoia from watching all this shit on TV i guess.
......so there will be a lot of hesitation on both sides i think, after all it´s new medium, and even though we mail a bit
it still will be a complete stranger... u think u know.
Anyone got positive/negative experiences.?????
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Has aynone ever successfully met a sex partner on the web?
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on Feb 20, 2004
I assume you know about adultfriendfinder?
Sir Peter Maxwell
on Feb 20, 2004
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on Feb 20, 2004
I've had a couple.
One was INCREDIBLE. We each drove 3 hours to meet in the middle. I came 7 times that night. She was a talented woman!
A couple others were ok, and a couple were just bad. Like you meet them and they dont really look like their pictures. Or they see it as some kind of internet love and you have to put the breaks on before the pants even come off. That sort of thing. Procced with caution, especiallyw ith girls that young.
I should also clarify that I never set-up to specifically have sex with someone (except maybe the first one i said, but that wasnt spoken, just kinda understood). It was just people I met online and ended up getting phsyical with.
Tech Cat
on Feb 20, 2004
What if she turns out to be a guy?
on Feb 20, 2004
Ouch that would not be good Tech Cat! (unless you're open like that i guess)
I would suggest a phone conversation before ever meeting someone hahah.
Marvin Cooley
on Feb 20, 2004
Over 2 years ago, I met with a woman I had been talking to in Paltalk. She said she was 30. I talked wih her on cam for a few months before I met her. We talked at least 4 times a week. She lives in Porterville, California. A friend of mine owns a cabin in Cali, so when I go there a couple times a year I make a point of visiting her. I got no easy sex with her, though. She is very nice and we go to the movies or something when i'm there. She also likes to cook me a nice home dinner when I see her. That is the only experience I have had with an online woman. And I must say, its been a very nice friendship.
on Feb 21, 2004
I get annoyed with tales of sexual "conquest," I also get annoyed when a person starts announcing the money they make, it is not in good taste, it is just not done, lets try to have some class.
on Feb 22, 2004
I've met a few women on the net, and met a select few of them in person. as for being in it strictly for sex, that hasn't happened, but once or twice the relationship has made it that far with someone i met online.
much like the rest of the ways we meet members of the opposite sex, it's always hit or miss. You never know what you're getting into until much later. all i can say is be careful... always insist on a photo before you meet and have a contingency plan should things go really wrong. (have a friend call your cell at a set time so you have a reason to get out of there if you need to)
anyhoo, i thought you were going for the classy urban chic... what happened to that whole fling?
or do you need more than one partner?
Tech Cat
on Feb 22, 2004
Maybe she turned out to be one of those shes that use to be a he.
on Feb 22, 2004
I developed a relationship with a guy that spanned 2 years and we never managed to meet. He came to my hometown once, emailed spontaneously, and I wasn't there to receive the message. I went to the city that he lives in, and the same thing happened. We discussed meeting on lots of occasions, but we both later decided that we didn't want to ruin what we had made to that point. (We started off emailing, progressed to Instant Messenger, and then phone calls.) We talked for a long time about it, and after we made that decision, we eventually started to to correspond less. It was fun while it lasted, but I think the reason why it did end is because neither of us wanted to be disappointed. In retrospect, I'm glad. He was a good friend at the time, but I would have been more disappointed if it ended because we didn't like the looks of each other, the sounds of each other, or just plain couldn't talk the way we did without having seen each other. I wonder though, what would have happened if we did meet? Hmmmm.
new-age nomad
on Feb 22, 2004
ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww dirty dirty dirty dirtiness.....if you want to be dirty, the least you could do is go and find someone in real life....DIRTY!
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